Sunday, January 3, 2010

A new year 2010

ok, I will get to reviewing my goal success and fails in 2009, but first 2010. Looking forward!!

Fitness has to be my number 1 priority this year. In 2008 I lost 20 lbs, but managed to gain it all back, most of it in the last 6 months. Turning things around has been on my mind, but not in my actions. Certainly the treats of the season were not kind and I did nothing to stop them.

We received a Wii and Wii fit from ourselves (aka Santa) this Christmas, so I have been investigating that as a fun way to squeeze a few more calories out of a day. It is, of course no way to get real weight loss progress. So I have been working on 20-30 minutes. More of a routine creating exercise, then anything else.

So 20 lbs is my goal for 2010, but more then that number is making the time and enjoyment for exercise. If we can make more active activities part of our life, then that is the real change. I am also nooddling, but not yet committing to something like walking a marathon. I want to spend more time checking out the training timeline and see what marathons are walker friendly. If I can walk a marathon, maybe someday I can actually run one! Mentally my mindset is not there yet. So one foot in front of the other until then.

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