Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Am I so Mean?

You might think it was my kids that accused me of that. But no, its me. I have been disrespecting myself this past week or so. I am just eating beyond belief and can't seem to stop the snacks. A few candy corns here, a few chocolate peanuts there. And the Girl Scout cookies haven't even hit the house in earnest yet! Usually when we have treats in the house I can take my small taste right before I go to bed and be satisfied because I am upstairs with my teeth brushed in no time.

I have the usual monthly ups and downs, but this month it started way to early and hasn't abated. I could blame the long runs I have had for my upcoming half. The truth is I haven't been thinking ahead and preparing my kitchen and my head to use good food.

I am super lucky in that my husband does the meal planning and grocery shopping for the house. I very much appreciate this effort because the weeks I have to plan, I struggle to come up with meals! We have lots of cookbooks in the house and, of course, some favorites, but it is hard to do week after week.

What I need to do is figure out by Saturday night what I want him to bring home. We always have bananas and apples in the house. I take blueberries in my lunch. I find that roasting a spaghetti squash or having some extra veggies available allows me to beef up my dinner plate without increasing my calorie intake.

My self control has been low lately (since the end of the dietbet....hrm) and the scale has told the tale for sure. I need to get myself back under control and finding some yummy goodies to fill my stomach. This time of year is always a little hard. The fall veggies are getting a little boring, but the summer bounty of fruit hasn't arrived yet. That isn't an excuse, it is just a call for me to focus.

Based on my cycle and the fact that I will be going to FL (and away from the snacks!), I am sure I will lose some weight this week. What I need to do is take that edge and keep after it.

I am watching the Biggest Loser as I write this and love the Body Peace Pledge. Think I could use these reminders on a daily basis!!

By the way - still no soda since October! That is a habit I feel I can honestly say I have kicked.

What have your struggles been lately? How do you stop where you are and change the direction?

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