Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Signs All Around

So I think I need to open my eyes more. I know I told you all how bummed out about my run yesterday. And to be fair, I haven't had a good run in 2 weeks. Remember, I consider a good run one where I can string 2 miles or so together adding in breaks for a 4-6 mile run. I want to feel strong and be able to keep my turtle speed steady. Remember how I raised the speed on that last good run? I was up to 4.9. Getting so close to 5. (I know this is where many people start - including on the Biggest Loser - but I mostly embrace how slow I am, most days anyways)

The world doesn't seem to be agreeing with my attitude. And it let me know in several ways.

Sign #1

So I turned to my friends. The funny/comforting thing was not one of them said I was being silly, of course I was a runner. They all granted that it was hard, but I needed to keep at it.

Sign #2

In a little less then 3 months I have hit 25% of my goal for the year. Sounds just about perfect doesn't it? *sigh* Not failing, but rather hitting my goals. Hrumph. How about that.

Sign #3

EXCITING!! I am published. Well not my, but my quotes. I had communicated with Dorothy Beal, who writes at, a few months ago on Twitter to help her with this article and a tight deadline. She was writing an article about running with moms and dads. Well, my dad is a big runner and I was so excited to share.

The latest Run Washington magazine came out and there we were! I am so excited to send my dad a copy of the article. Check it out on page 68! I haven't told anyone, so you are the first to hear my big news!!

Guess I can't give up now. Plus I have a race to run in April, the Nike Women's Half Marathon. It is the first time it is being run in DC and I was able to get a spot in the lottery. More about this race soon, I promise.

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