Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Weekend

Well I have a fire roaring in the fireplace and my feet up as we head into a new week. This is the week before Spring Break for us, so it has somewhat of a frantic tone at work, trying to get answers before folks head out of town. For the kids it is sort of a long slide into the holiday. We packed quite a bit into this weekend, but first a look back at last week.

Monday - Bootcamp (done)
Tuesday - Bootcamp (done)
Wednesday - Run (swtiched to Thursday)
Thursday - Rest (done Wed)
Friday - Bootcamp (yuppers)
Saturday or Sunday - Run -  this became a walk. Not really happy about that!

Friday evening I met my buddies for drinks and dinner at a local place. We mostly talked about our kids and running/working out, but it was so nice to get together with some ladies again. My other dinner groups have kind of fallen off, so this was a nice treat!

Horrible lighting. But great friends!

So Saturday here was forecast to be rainy and chilly. Not happy weather for all of those planning to run the Rock N Roll marathon downtown. I was feeling happy for them when I woke up and it was dry! Even better, the day just kept getting warmer and warmer. I was low on sleep, since an implementation that had been kicked off Friday evening at 11 got off to a rocky start, putting me to bed later then usual and I had to get up at 6 to "meet" the testers online. I went back to bed once we finished work about 8:30 to try and catch some more sleep. My husband did the same after he dropped our son off for his first Boy Scout camping trip. Plus we were joined by my daughter. 3 bugs in a bed. On these days I feel lazy, but I so needed the sleep. Plus I had 3 glasses of wine on Friday evening, so wasn't feel in tip top shape.

After toting my daughter to event #1 and having lunch I realized I would have an opportunity when she went to Daisy Scouts to get some exercise in. My knee started to bug me during bootcamp on Friday, so I wasn't sure how things were going to go. I had about 2 hours to burn, so could conceivably get 7-8 miles in.

I walked from Downtown to George Mason University. There is a nice loop around the campus that I was somewhat familiar with. After the first 5 minutes or so, I knew I was in for just walking. I kept my pace up and eventually finished 6 miles before I knew it was time to give my body/knee a rest.

The campus was full of activities, a cheer competition, runners, a saxophone player next to the lake, that it kept my attention. Plus the warm weather was such a wonderful change, I loved being outside. Your body just craves the warmth after a long winter, you know?

My guest arrived in town and we went out to a nice Thai dinner. This morning the scale was right back up to my high weight. Somehow I have to figure out how to manage the weekends better. I just lose and gain the same 2-3 pounds week after week.

Could wine be my problem? Usually I stick to 1 glass if I am at home, but I found this post by Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point to be very interesting.

Hope you were able to get out an enjoy the weekend.

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